Discord Text Commands and Markdown Text Overview

by 邦卡
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Discord Text Commands and Markdown Text Overview

This article provides a complete tutorial on the text formatting syntax available in Discord, allowing you to express yourself in more diverse ways on the platform.

Markdown Text Formatting Syntax

Discord uses Markdown syntax, which, according to the Wikipedia page on Markdown, is “a lightweight markup language that allows people to write documents using a plain text format that is easy to read and write.”

The most distinctive feature of Markdown syntax is its readability, as the language can be read directly from the text, and users can easily use it by remembering a few simple symbols.

However, commands like “mention” are unique to Discord and are not directly related to Markdown syntax.

Discord Chat Syntax Guide

There are several different types of chat syntax, which are divided into 5 major categories for explanation:

  1. Mention
  2. Font
  3. Spoiler Tags
  4. Quote and Code Blocks
  5. Color


This type is what I think is the most practical and essential feature to know when using Discord.

Mentioning a nickname

Explanation: Before typing a message, type “@” followed by “someone’s nickname” or “Discord ID” (including the username “#” and four Arabic numerals), without any spaces, to call out a person in the channel. That person will receive a notification (and see a prominent unread message reminder in the channel where their nickname is mentioned).

Example message: @Banka

Discord demonstration:

Mentioning a nickname

Tagging Specific Groups

Tagging Everyone

Description: This command may not be available to everyone, depending on whether the Discord server channel has enabled this command. Type “@” before sending a message without a space, then add “everyone” to call everyone in the channel. They will receive a notification (a prominent unread message reminder will appear in the channel where they are tagged).

Text message example: @everyone

Discord demonstration:

Tagging Everyone

Tagging Online Users

Description: This command may not be available to everyone, depending on whether the Discord server channel has enabled this command. Type “@” before sending a message without a space, then add “here” to call all currently online people in the channel. They will receive a notification (a prominent unread message reminder will appear in the channel where they are tagged).

Text message example: @here

Discord demonstration:

Tagging Online Users

Tagging Roles

Description: This command may not be available to everyone, depending on whether the Discord server has enabled this command. Type “@” before sending a message without a space, then add the “role name” to call a specific role in the channel. People with the corresponding role will also receive a notification (a prominent unread message reminder will appear in the channel where they are tagged).

Text message example: @role name

Discord demonstration:

Tagging Roles

Further Reading: How to create and manage Discord roles?

Tagging Specific Channels/Threads

Description: Type “#” before sending a message without a space, then add the “name of the channel/thread in the Discord server” to directly show the name of that channel/thread in the channel. If the person can access this channel/thread, the name of the channel/thread will be clickable. Clicking on it will directly jump to the page of that channel/thread; if the person cannot access this channel/thread, only regular text will be displayed, and it will not be clickable.

Text message example: #chitchat hall

Discord demonstration:

Tagging Specific Channels/Threads

Further Reading: 5 Main Types of Discord Channels You Should Know

Font Types


Text message example: *Banka* 或 _Banka_

Discord demonstration:



Text message example: **Banka**

Discord demonstration:


Bold Italics

Text message example: ***Banka***

Discord demonstration:

Bold Italics


Text message example: __Banka__

Discord demonstration:


Underline Italics

Text message example: __*Banka*__

Discord demonstration:

Underline Italics

Underline Bold

Text message example: __**Banka**__

Discord demonstration:

Underline Bold

Underline Bold Italics

Text message example: __***Banka***__

Discord demonstration:

Underline Bold Italics


Text message example: ~~Banka~~

Discord demonstration:


Spoiler Tags

Description: This feature is particularly interesting as it makes the sent message appear as a black box. To view the hidden content inside, one must click on the black box. It is especially suitable for publishing sensitive or confidential information, or to provide an extra layer of protection against spoilers.

Text message example: Alert!!||Spoiler content||

Discord demonstration:

Spoiler Tags


Explanation: Unlike directly pasting a URL, a hyperlink is a way of attaching a link to text. It requires the use of two different types of brackets. Place the text within [ ] at the beginning, followed by the link within ( ) at the end.

Beware of Scams: Since the text and the hyperlink itself are not directly related, this provides an opportunity for malicious individuals. They may insert a normal URL in the text part and then include a link to a malicious website in the hyperlink part. This tricks unsuspecting individuals into clicking what appears to be a normal link, but actually leads to a malicious website. To prevent such occurrences, simply hover the mouse over the text of the hyperlink for a while, and a small window will pop up displaying the hyperlink’s URL. Just like browsing the internet normally, always be cautious after clicking any link.

Text message example:

[Discord official website](https://discord.com/)

Discord demonstration:


Quotation and Code Blocks


Explanation: Use “>” or “>>>” to quote the text. Note that a space should be left after the symbol. Using “>” will only quote one line, while using “>>>” will quote every line that follows.

Text message example:

> Quote this line


>>> Quote this entire paragraph

Line 1

Line 2

Discord demonstration:

Quote this line

Quote this line

Quote this entire paragraph

Line 1

Line 2

Quote this entire paragraph

Code Blocks

Explanation: Simply enclose the text that you want to frame in backticks (`).

Text message example: `This text will be enclosed in a code block.`

Discord demonstration:

Code Blocks

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