Understanding Discord’s Various Names – Usernames, Display Names, Server Nicknames, Friend Nicknames

by 邦卡
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Understanding Discord's Various Names - Usernames, Display Names, Server Nicknames, Friend Nicknames

Discord released a blog post in early May 2023, stating that the old version usernames, which users have been using for a long time, will be completely replaced with new version usernames. This announcement sparked a significant amount of confusion and responses on the internet. Despite the opposition seen online, Discord appears determined and has expressed that they will gradually allow users to change their usernames to the new version.

This article will primarily explain the differences between “old usernames,” “new usernames,” “display names,” “server nicknames,” and “friend nicknames” to help everyone understand the distinctions among these names.

What is an Old Username?

The username represents your Discord account and is associated with a unique set of email addresses.

The old username consists of two parts:

  1. Username
  2. Discriminator (#XXXX)

A complete old username would look like this: “Demo#1234”.

Even if the usernames are the same, as long as the discriminators are different, they are considered different usernames. For example, “Demo#1234” and “Demo#4321” are different usernames.

Discord’s use of unique four-digit discriminator numbers has become a distinctive cultural feature, to the extent that users can even modify the discriminator portion.

What is a New Username?

The username represents your Discord account and is associated with a unique set of email addresses.

Further reading: Discord Username Update: New Usernames to be Rolled Out Soon

The new username will remove the four-digit discriminator that was present in the old username, leaving only the “username” part.

Allowed characters for the new username include

  • Latin letters (a-z)
  • Numbers (0-9)
  • Certain special symbols
    • Underscore (_)
    • Period (.)

Restrictions for the new username are as follows

  • Usernames must be at least 2 characters and at most 32 characters long
  • Usernames are case insensitive and forced lowercase
  • Usernames cannot use any other special characters besides underscore ( _ ) and period ( . )
  • Usernames cannot use 2 consecutive period characters ( . ) 
    • (.a.b. is allowed, a..b. is not allowed)
  • Usernames are unique to each user and no two users can share the same username
  • Usernames (and Display Names) must adhere to Discord Community GuidelinesSome examples of Usernames that are not permitted include:
    • Usernames used to impersonate Discord, Discord staff, or Discord system messages 
    • Usernames used to impersonate an individual, group, or organization
    • Usernames that attack other people or promote hate
    • Usernames that contain sexually explicit language

New Profile Badge

Users who have successfully changed their old username to the new username will have a new badge in their profile. This badge displays the “old username” you have used in the past.

Further reading: Introduction to the 14 Types of Discord Badges

New Profile Badge

New Profile Badge

What is a Display Name?

As the name suggests, the “display name” is used for display purposes, and other Discord users will see your display name immediately. However, display names do not have uniqueness, and multiple users can have the same display name. Additionally, the naming rules for display names are more flexible compared to usernames.

Allowed characters for the “display name” include

  • Special symbols, spaces, and emojis can be used.
  • English uppercase and lowercase letters, as well as non-Latin letters, can be used.

Restrictions for the “display name” are as follows

  • Display names must be at least 1 character and at most 32 characters long
  • Display names must adhere to Discord Community Guidelines. Some examples of display names that are not permitted include:
    • Names used to impersonate Discord, Discord staff, or Discord system messages 
    • Names used to impersonate an individual, group, or organization
    • Names that attack other people or promote hatred or violence against them based on their protected characteristics
    • Names that contain sexually explicit language

What is a Server Nickname?

A server nickname is a display name used for a specific server. Therefore, you can have different server nicknames in different servers. For example, you can be called “John” in Server A and “Jane” in Server B.

To modify a server nickname, you can go to “User Settings” and navigate to “Server Profiles.” For detailed instructions, you can refer to the “Discord User Settings Guide – Showcase Your Personal Style“.

What is a Friend Nickname?

By right-clicking on a friend’s display name, you can modify their nickname, which only you can see.

Adding a friend nickname

Adding a friend nickname

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