Introduction to the 14 Types of Discord Badges

by 邦卡
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Introduction to the 14 Types of Discord Badges

Have you ever noticed the badge field on Discord user profiles? Do you know the meaning and ways to obtain these badges? This article will introduce the 11 types of badges currently existing on Discord.

Location of Discord Badges

Discord badge information is publicly displayed on user profiles and can be viewed by anyone. It appears in the top right corner of the profile, below the banner image and to the right of the user’s avatar. The image below shows an example from my personal Discord profile.

Location of Discord badges

Location of Discord badges

Introduction to Discord Badges

Based on the difficulty of obtaining each badge, Discord has classified the current 11 badges into four levels: Common, Rare, Legendary, and Mythic.

The following is a description of each badge according to the above classification.

Common Badges

New Profile Badge

Users who have successfully changed their old username to the new username will have a new badge in their profile. This badge displays the “old username” you have used in the past.

If you hover over this badge, you will see the message “Originally known as _______” revealing the previous username used by this user before changing to the new username.

Further reading: Discord Username Update: New Usernames to be Rolled Out Soon

New Profile Badge

hover over new profile badge will show the message “Originally known as _______”

Discord Nitro Badge

This badge can be obtained by becoming a Nitro or Nitro Basic member. Hovering the mouse over the badge will also display when the user became a member.

Further reading: What are Nitro、Nitro Basic and Nitro Classic

Server Booster Badge

People who help a server level up using “Server Boosts” can obtain this badge. The appearance of the badge changes with the duration of the boost.

The image below shows the appearance of the badge after boosting for one month on the left and after boosting for 24 months on the right.


Variations in appearance of the Server Booster Badge

Hypesquad House badge

This is a program similar to Discord community ambassadors launched by Discord. Everyone is divided into three different camps. As long as you answer 5 questions, you can be assigned to one of the camps based on your choice.

If you are interested in getting this badge, simply open “User Settings”, move the left menu to the bottom, choose “HypeSquad”, then click “Join HypeSquad” on the right, and complete 5 multiple-choice questions similar to psychological tests to be assigned to one of the camps.

Participating in Hypesquad House test

Participating in Hypesquad House test

The appearance of each camp’s badge is different. If you want to change your camp, you can choose to take the test again by following the path above.

Introduction to the 14 Types of Discord Badges

Hypesquad House badge

Rare badges

Hypesquad Event badge

People who have participated in physical Hypesquad events can obtain this badge. However, Discord has currently suspended applications for related events. Maybe it will open again in the future. Those who are interested can go to the “What is the HypeSquad all about?” page to see the latest official trends.

Hypesquad 活動徽章

Hypesquad Event badge

Bug Hunter badge

Those who can discover Discord bugs and report them successfully can get this badge. Click this link to view information about bugs and reporting.

Introduction to the 14 Types of Discord Badges

Bug Hunter Badge

Golden Bug Hunter badge

For the top Bug reporters, there is also a golden version of the Bug Hunter badge!

Golden Bug Hunter badge

Golden Bug Hunter badge

Active Developer Badge

If your Discord bot has executed any command within 30 days of development, you can apply for this badge. For more information on applying for the Active Developer Badge.


Active Developer Badge

Legendary Badge

Partnered Server Owner Badge

If you are a server owner of the Discord Partner Program, you can obtain this badge. To apply for the Partner Program, your server must first enable community server functionality and meet all requirements, including:

  • Secure environment: Enable community server functionality.
  • Membership requirement: The server needs to have at least 500 members.
  • Server existence time: The server needs to be established for at least 8 weeks.
  • Server activity indicator: The activity indicator threshold will not be displayed until there are at least 500 members.
  • No vulgar terms: The server name, description, and channel names must not contain vulgar terms.
  • Please enable the “2FA requirement for management” setting: This setting requires all members with moderator permissions or higher to set up 2FA (two-factor authentication).

Further reading: How to Enable The Discord Community Server Feature?


Partnered Server Owner Badge

Early Supporter Badge

This badge is no longer obtainable and the condition for obtaining it is to have paid for Nitro membership before October 2018.


Early Supporter Badge

Moderator Program Alumni Badge

This badge is currently not obtainable and is awarded to everyone that was a part of moderator ecosystem before December 1, 2022. The Discord Moderator Academy is an official resource provided by Discord for moderators.

Moderator Program Alumni Badge

Moderator Program Alumni Badge

Mythical Badge

Discord Staff Badge

This badge can only be obtained by Discord staff. If you want to obtain it, find a way to become a Discord employee!

Discord 員工徽章

Discord Staff Badge

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