How to Receive YouTube Video Notifications in Discord Channels?

by 邦卡
How to Receive YouTube Video Notifications in Discord Channels?

In addition to being a platform for community communication, Discord can also be used to receive notifications from various social media platforms through third-party bots, allowing all members of a Discord server to stay up-to-date with the latest news. This article will explain how to use the YAGPDB bot to receive notifications for new videos uploaded by a specified YouTube account.

Introduction to the YAGPDB bot

YAGPDB is a multifunctional bot that provides features such as role reactions and automated management. In terms of notification broadcasting, in addition to YouTube, it also supports broadcasting notifications from Reddit and Twitter.

However, for the Twitter notification broadcasting feature, I personally recommend using the TweetShift bot because TweetShift automatically changes the message avatar to the Twitter account’s avatar when broadcasting Twitter notifications, while YAGPDB will always use the default YAGPDB avatar.

Further reading: How to Receive Twitter Notifications in Discord Channels?

YAGPDB offers both free and paid versions of its service. The free version has a limit of 50 YouTube channels that can be tracked, while the paid version increases the limit to 250.

Next, we will explain how to use the YAGPDB bot to set up notifications for new YouTube videos from the channels being tracked.

Tutorial for setting up YouTube video notifications

Step 1: Invite YAGPDB to your Discord server

First, go to the YAGPDB website and click on the Control Panel button on the top right corner of the YAGPDB website. You will need to log in to your Discord account.

Control Panel

The Control Panel is located in the top right corner of the screen.

You can select the server from the location next to the question mark. If it is your first time using it, you can invite the YAGPDB bot. If you have already invited it before, selecting the server will directly open the backend operation interface of the website.

Choose the server in the upper-right corner question mark after the initial invitation or subsequent operations

Choose the server in the upper-right corner question mark after the initial invitation or subsequent operations

Remember that your Discord account needs to have server management permission to invite the bot to the server. The invitation process for all bots follows the same steps. If you are still unsure how to invite a Discord bot, this article, “How to invite Bots to join your Discord server?” has detailed instructions.

Step 2: Setting up YouTube video push notifications

Go back to the YAGPDB bot’s website operation interface, where you can see various functions on the left-hand menu. First, select “Notifications & Feeds” and then choose “YouTube.”

YouTube video push notification settings menu

YouTube video push notification settings menu

The YouTube video push notification setup menu can be divided into three parts:

Part 1: YouTube channel link

You can directly paste the YouTube channel link, video link, or channel name in this part.

Part 2: Discord channel where notifications are posted

This part is to set which Discord channel can see the latest push notifications. If you created a new Discord channel at the same time you opened the YAGPDB backend webpage, remember to press F5 to refresh the page or wait a few minutes and try again. This way, the newly created Discord channel will appear in the options.

Part 3: Whether to tag everyone or post live stream notifications

This part has two settings, which are off by default and can be turned on according to your needs.

  • Mention everyone: Whether to tag everyone in the Discord channel when a YouTube push notification is posted.
  • Publish livestreams: Whether to post push notifications in the Discord channel when the tracked YouTube channel goes live.

After the settings are complete, the messages in the Discord channel will include the video link and thumbnail at the same time.

YouTube Video Notification Message in Discord channel

YouTube Video Notification Message in Discord channel

Using Discord to Manage a Dedicated Fan Community for Your YouTube Channel

If you have enabled the “YouTube channel memberships” feature on your YouTube channel, it is very suitable to run an interactive server on Discord with your fans. In addition to setting up YouTube video notifications through the tutorial in this article to provide an extra way to notify your fans when you publish videos, you can even watch YouTube videos with your community members using Discord’s latest “Watch Together” feature.

Further reading: Have Fun with 13 Built-in Discord Games and Activities

You can also set up a dedicated role and channel for “YouTube channel memberships” on your Discord server to deepen interactions. To learn how to set this up, you can refer to this guide: How to Set Up Exclusive Roles for YouTube Channel Memberships on Discord?

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