How to Set Up Exclusive Roles for YouTube Channel Memberships on Discord?

by 邦卡
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How to Set Up Exclusive Roles for YouTube Channel Memberships on Discord?

The YouTube channel members mentioned in this article are those who pay a monthly subscription fee to access exclusive content, not the free subscribers. Therefore, the content introduced in this article is only applicable to users who have enabled the “YouTube channel memberships” feature on their YouTube channel.

Requirements for Using The YouTube Channel Memberships Feature

To use the “YouTube channel memberships” feature, the YouTube channel must meet the following basic requirements, according to YouTube’s channel memberships eligibility, policies, & guidelines:

  • Your channel must have more than 1,000 subscribers.
  • Your channel is in the YouTube Partner Program.
  • You’re over 18 years old.
  • You’re in one of the available locations.
  • Your channel has a Community tab.
  • Your channel is not set as made for kids.
  • Your channel does not have a significant number of ineligible videos.
    • Videos set as made for kids, or videos with music claims are considered ineligible.
  • You (and your MCN) have agreed to and are complying with our terms and policies (including the relevant Commerce Product Addendum).



How to Set Up an Exclusive Role for YouTube Channel Members on Discord?

Discord provides an official tutorial article for YouTube Channel Memberships Integration FAQ. However, the article does not provide guidance on what to do if the option to link your YouTube account is not visible.

You must have server administrator permission

First, ensure that your Discord account has server administrator permission for the Discord server on which you want to enable this feature. 

Steps to connect your YouTube account

Next, click on the server name in the upper-left corner, select “Server Settings,” and click “Integrations.” You will see the option for YouTube. Click “Connect YouTube”, then follow the system’s instructions to log in to your YouTube account and authorize the connection.

connect your YouTube account

connect your YouTube account

What to do if the option to connect your YouTube account is not visible

If you follow the steps above but cannot find the YouTube option on the server’s “Integrations” page, this is the part that the Discord official tutorial article did not mention.

Usually, encountering this situation is because the Discord account has been previously connected to a YouTube account. The first thing to do is to disconnect “all” YouTube accounts linked to the Discord account. Note that this includes “all” YouTube accounts. If you have connected more than one YouTube account, please disconnect all of them first.

To disconnect, open “User Settings,” find the “Connections” option, and then disconnect all the YouTube accounts that have been linked.

disconnect your YouTube account

disconnect your YouTube account

Next, follow the steps to connect the YouTube account again. You should now be able to see the YouTube option.



Manage YouTube Connections

If the YouTube channel does not have the channel memberships function turned on, nothing will happen when you connect YouTube with Discord, and you will not see any additional options.

However, if the YouTube channel has the channel memberships function turned on, you can see the YouTube option. There is a “Manage” button inside, and clicking on it will take you to the following screen:

YouTube member setting

YouTube member setting

  • Box 1: Clicking on “YouTube Member” will take you to the server’s role settings page, where an explanation of how to set up exclusive roles will be provided.
  • Box 2: Clicking on it will immediately update the status within the server, allowing members who have joined the YouTube channel membership to automatically receive exclusive roles.
  • Box 3: You can set up the way to handle members who have joined the YouTube channel membership but have not renewed after the subscription expires. There are two ways: the first is to remove the exclusive role, and the second is to kick them out of the Discord server.
  • Box 4: This is the grace period setting. If a member does not renew their YouTube channel membership, the action specified in Box 3 will be taken after a certain number of days. You can set the time to 1 day, 3 days, 7 days, 14 days, or 30 days.

Set up exclusive roles

Clicking on the box 1 in the previous paragraph will take you to the role settings screen. Discord will automatically generate a group of role based on the membership level you set in your YouTube channel settings.

For example, if your YouTube channel membership is divided into “Advanced Members” and “Premium Members,” Discord will automatically generate three roles in the server. The first is the YouTube member role, which all members of both “Advanced Members” and “Premium Members” will receive. The second is the “Advanced Member” role, which only members who join “Advanced Members” will receive. The third is the “Premium Member” role, which only members who join “Premium Members” will receive.

Administrators can customize these exclusive roles as needed.

Further reading: Detailed Explanation of Discord Roles Settings

YouTube channel membership setting

YouTube channel membership setting

These roles that are automatically generated through the connection between Discord and YouTube channel membership cannot be manually assigned to members. Only members who have joined the YouTube channel membership will be granted these roles through system authentication. You can remove these exclusive roles by disconnecting YouTube account from Discord.

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