Complete Introduction to 37 Features and Plugins of MEE6

by 邦卡
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Complete Introduction to 37 Features and Plugins of MEE6

Introduction to MEE6

MEE6 is a multi-purpose bot on Discord that offers a total of 37 plugins, covering features such as “leaderboards,” “customizable bots,” and 7 different usage scenarios. Users can choose which plugins to enable based on their needs.

Some plugins can be used by free members, but with certain limitations. To unlock the full version, upgrading to a paid membership is required. Additionally, some plugins are exclusive to paid members or require an additional fee to unlock.

List of MEE6 Provided Plugins

MEE6 currently offers a wide range of features and 37 different plugins. The development of new functionalities is ongoing. Upon entering the MEE6 dashboard, you will see the following interface. This article will sequentially explain and provide a brief introduction to the 37 plugins.

MEE6 後台介面MEE6 Dashboard Interface

  1. Leaderboard
  2. Bot Personalizer
  3. Server Management: Currently includes 6 functionalities – “Automations”, “Welcome & Goodbye”, “Custom Commands”, “Reaction Roles”, “Moderator”, and “Ticketing”.
  4. Utilities: Currently includes 8 functionalities – “Polls”, “Embed Messages”, “Search Anything”, “Record”, “Help”, “Reminder”, “Statistics Channels”, and “Temporary Channels”.
  5. Social Alerts: Currently includes 6 functionalities – “Twitch Alerts”, “Twitter Alerts”, “Youtube Alerts”, “Reddit Alerts”, “Instagram Alerts”, and “RSS Feeds”.
  6. Games & Fun: Currently includes 6 functionalities – “Levels”, “Twitch Bot”, “Giveaways”, “Birthdays”, “Music Quiz”, and “Economy”.
  7. MEE6 AI: Currently includes 1 functionality – “MEE6 AI”.
  8. Monetization: Currently includes 1 functionality – “Monetize”.
  9. Web3: Currently includes 7 functionalities – “NFT Statistics”, “NFT Queries”, “NFT Sales & Listing”, “Crypto Statistics”, “Crypto Queries”, “Gas Tracker”, and “Gating”. 


This is a feature available after activating the “Levels” plugin. It shows the ranking of server members based on their levels. By default, only administrators can view the leaderboard. You can choose whether to make the leaderboard publicly accessible on the internet, allowing anyone with the leaderboard link to see the information.

Bot Personalizer

This is a plugin available only to MEE6 paid users. It allows customization of the appearance (display avatar) and name of the MEE6 bot in your server, replacing the default MEE6 logo and name.


Bot Personalizer

Server Management

This category offers auxiliary plugins with higher levels of permission in a Discord server.


It allows setting up a series of automated actions for the bot. Similar to “if A happens, trigger automatic execution of action B by MEE6.” Various configuration options are available within the provided scenarios.

Welcome & Goodbye

The “Welcome & Goodbye” feature allows you to send welcome messages in a specified manner when new members join the server. You can set it to send public messages in a specific channel or have MEE6 send private messages to new members. Similarly, when members leave the server, you can set it to send farewell messages to them using the same methods.

Additionally, this feature allows you to automatically assign specific roles to new members when they join the server.

Use case example: Assigning different roles to members joining at different times. For instance, members who joined in the first quarter of this year will automatically have the “2022 Q1” role.

Custom Commands

The “Custom Commands” feature allows you to create custom commands for your server. When users enter specific commands, MEE6 will perform designated actions.

These actions can include MEE6 sending specific messages in a designated channel, assigning specified roles to the user who entered the command, or removing specified roles from the user who entered the command.

Use case example: Setting up a text-based puzzle game where only members who successfully solve the puzzle and enter the correct answer in the channel can receive a specific role.

Reaction Roles

The “Reaction Roles” feature allows server members to self-assign roles by reacting to specific messages. Members can obtain corresponding roles by clicking on designated emojis below the specified message.

However, free users can only set up one message for reaction roles and provide a maximum of two role options. Paid members, on the other hand, can set up to 40 reaction role messages and offer up to 20 role options per message.


The “Moderator” plugin includes several small features that assist administrators in better managing the server. These features include:

Automod: Enables the bot to enforce certain rules and take appropriate actions for server members who violate them. For example, you can set up a channel to automatically delete messages containing external links.

Auto-Actions: Advanced automated management that allows you to set actions based on certain conditions. For instance, you can set the bot to mute a member if they receive three system warnings within half an hour, or kick them if they receive more than seven system warnings within an hour.

Restricted Channels: Enables automatic deletion of messages containing prohibited content in specific channels.

Audit Logging: Records significant events that occur in the server, such as changes in member roles or instances of member mutes.

Commands: Provides useful quick commands.


The “Ticketing” feature allows you to set up an internal customer support system within the server. When community members have questions or want to communicate with the server’s management team, they can click on the ticketing function. MEE6 will create a new channel that only the ticket opener and authorized members of the management team can see. This creates an effective customer support system where members can ask questions without exposing them publicly in open channels and directly communicate with the management team.


The “Utilities” category offers various utility-based features.


Allows community members to create polls using commands, and participants can simply click on the corresponding emoji to participate in the poll.

Embed Messages

Allows sending embedded messages with a lot of information.

Embed message builder
Embed message builder

Search Anything

Allows searching within Discord using commands, and the search results are directly displayed in the Discord channel.


Allows recording the audio of voice channels, and after recording, a download link is provided.

Free users can only record for a maximum of 2 minutes, while paid users can record for up to 6 hours.


Provides information to server members, such as organizing specific instructions for the server, which can be displayed when a member enters the “/help” command.


Allows setting up automated messages that MEE6 will send at specified intervals, serving as timed automated message broadcasts.

Statistics Channels

Allows displaying desired server statistics on the left side channel list of the server, such as the number of online server members.

Temporary Channels

Allows creating temporary channels on Discord through the MEE6 interface.

Social Alerts

This type of plugin achieves the effect of Webhooks through a simple user interface, automatically synchronizing any new messages from tracked social media accounts to the designated channel on the Discord server.

Twitch Alerts (available to paid users only)

Track specific Twitch channels and automatically publish notifications to the specified channels on Discord servers when there are new live streams on those channels.

Further reading: How to Receive Twitch livestream Notifications in Discord Channels Using MEE6?

Twitter Alerts (available to paid users only)

Track specific Twitter accounts and automatically publish tweet notifications to the specified channels on Discord servers when there are new posts from those accounts.

Further reading: How to Receive Twitter Post Notifications in Discord Channels Using MEE6?

YouTube Alerts (available to paid users only)

Track specific YouTube channels and automatically publish video notifications to the specified channels on Discord servers when there are new videos on those channels.

Further reading: How to Receive YouTube Video Notifications in Discord Channels Using MEE6?

Reddit Alerts (available to paid users only)

Track specific Reddit boards and automatically publish post notifications to the specified channels on Discord servers when there are new posts on those boards.

Further reading: How to Receive Reddit Post Notifications in Discord Channels Using MEE6?

Instagram Alerts (available to paid users only)

Track specific Instagram accounts and automatically publish post notifications to the specified channels on Discord servers when there are new posts from those accounts.

Further reading: How to Receive Instagram Post Notifications in Discord Channels Using MEE6?

RSS Feeds

Track specified website (requires an RSS link) and automatically publish content notifications to the specified channels on Discord servers when there are new content releases on those websites.

Further reading: How to Receive RSS Feeds Notifications in Discord Channels Using MEE6?

Games & Fun

This type of plugin provides functions related to community interaction and entertainment.


Add a leveling system to Discord servers. Users can earn experience points by speaking in channels, and when they accumulate a certain amount of experience points, their level will increase. It can be used as a reference for member activity, but the calculation is based on the number of messages rather than the number of words.

Twitch Bot

Link the MEE6 leveling (Levels) feature to Twitch chat, so that chatting in Twitch chat can also contribute to the message level on this Discord server. However, community members need to link their Discord accounts with their Twitch accounts beforehand.


Hold giveaway events in the server. Only members with eligible role(s) can participate, and the system will randomly select a specified number of winners at a designated time.


Celebrate members’ birthdays in a designated channel. Additional setup for birthday information is required.

Music Quiz

Engage in a community activity of guessing songs in voice channels.


Add an economy system to Discord servers, allowing them to have their own server tokens and shop, and establish gamified reward mechanisms specific to their servers.

MEE6 AI (requires additional payment)

This type of plugin currently offers only the MEE6 AI feature, which is an additional purchase independent of paid users. In other words, if you are already a paid user of MEE6, you still need to pay extra to use the MEE6 AI feature.

MEE6 AI provides AI-generated text and image functionalities.


This type of plugin provides features to help Discord servers monetize.


This feature allows server administrators to set up “paid roles” and “channels” and directly link their bank accounts to receive payments. It is suitable for users who want to run a paid Discord server.

Web3 (requires additional payment)

The plugins in this category require an additional purchase. It is an additional purchase independent of paid users. In other words, if you are already a paid user of MEE6, you still need to pay extra to use the Web3 feature or hold the “MEE6 Genesis Pass” NFT.

NFT Statistics

Display specified OpenSea NFT series information in the left channel sidebar of Discord servers. Currently supports the following 5 types of data:

  1. Floor Price
  2. Number of Sales
  3. Volume
  4. Nunber of Owners
  5. NFT Minted

NFT Queries

Use commands to query information about specified NFT series.

NFT Sales & Listing

Receive real-time information in a specified channel when there are any transactions or listings related to a specified NFT series.

Crypto Statistics

Display specified cryptocurrency information in the left channel sidebar of Discord servers. Currently supports the following 5 types of data:

  1. Price
  2. Price change in 24h %
  3. 24h Volume
  4. Maeket Cap
  5. Maeket Cap Rank

Crypto Queries

Allow community users to directly obtain cryptocurrency information through commands in channels.

Gas Tracker

Use commands to query current blockchain gas fee information.


Set requirements for community members to possess a specified quantity of specific NFTs or cryptocurrencies in order to obtain specific roles. Community members need to link their cryptocurrency wallets for verification.

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MEE6 需要付費嗎?

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