Introduction to Discohook – A Discord Embedded Message Editing Tool

by 邦卡
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Introduction to Discohook - A Discord Embedded Message Editing Tool

Have you ever seen messages in a Discord server that include images, titles, independent display of content, and even hyperlinks? These types of messages are called embedded messages. This article will introduce Discohook, a useful tool for editing embedded messages.

What is Discohook?

Discohook is a tool that allows you to edit Discord embedded messages using webhooks. Unlike typical bots that need to be invited to a server to work, Discohook only requires obtaining a webhook URL or a webhook URL along with the link to the webhook message you want to edit. This allows you to write or edit specific embedded messages.

What is a Webhook?

According to the definition on Wikipedia, it is “a method of augmenting or altering the behavior of a web page or web application with custom callback functions. These callbacks may be stored, modified, and managed by third-party users and developers who may have access to the original website or application.”

In simple terms, a webhook is a “trigger” that connects two endpoints. One endpoint is the “source” and the other is the “destination.” These endpoints can be servers of various applications on the internet. When a specific event occurs at the source, the destination receives a notification and performs a certain action.

How to Create a Webhook in a Discord Server?

First, open the “Server Settings” menu, then navigate to “Integrations” under the “Applications” category. Click on “View Webhook” on the right side of the Webhook. Next, open the Webhook settings and click on “New Webhook” to proceed with the creation.

For more detailed instructions, you can refer to the last paragraph of the article “What is a Webhook? How to enable Webhooks in Discord?

Discohook Interface Navigation

Discohook has only one interface, which might appear a bit complex at first glance. However, the default screen already provides a complete showcase of how to use Discohook.

Discohook 預設畫面

Discohook Default Screen

To start using it officially, simply click on “Clear All” to get a blank page.

Discohook User Guide

Next, let’s go through the functions of each option one by one.

Discohook User Guide

Discohook User Guide

Main Menu (Box 1)

Here are a total of 3 buttons:

  • Backups: Allows Discohook to be authorized to save embedded messages that are still being edited.
  • Clear All: Clears the content of all cells and restarts the editing process.
  • Share Message: Retrieves a link to the current edited content, which can be shared with others.

Webhook URL (Box 2)

To use Discohook, you must first create a webhook and paste the copied webhook URL from Discord into this field.

The “Send” button next to it, after completing the message editing process, can be clicked to publish the embedded message to the channel specified by the webhook.

The “Add Webhook” button below can add multiple other webhooks.

It is important to note that the webhook URL should not be leaked, as anyone can use the webhook to send malicious links or scam messages to your Discord server.

Content (Box 3)

For regular Discord messages (not part of embedded messages), you can enter the message content here, noting that there is a maximum character limit.

Profile (Box 4)

Username: The name entered here will directly become the name displayed when the webhook sends a message.

Avatar URL: The URL entered here will directly become the avatar displayed when the webhook sends a message.

Thread (Box 5)

Forum Thread Name: This field only needs to be set when the message is to be published in a “thread channel.” If it is a regular text channel, entering this field will prevent the message from being published correctly.

Files (Box 6)

If the message needs to include attachments, they can be uploaded here.

Add Embed (Box 7)

This expands the section for adding details about the embedded message.

Message Link (Box 8)

Any message published using a webhook can be edited. Apart from needing the webhook URL, right-click on the desired message and choose “Copy Message Link”.

Copy Message Link

Copy Message Link

JSON Data Editor (Box 9)

JSON is a lightweight data interchange format that is typically used by programmers.

Add Message (Box 10)

If one set of messages is not enough, clicking this button allows you to add multiple sets of complete message groups from Box 3 to Box 9.

Add Message (Box 11)

This area provides a real-time preview of how the message will appear. The actual appearance when published on a Discord channel will be the same as what is seen in the preview.

Preview of Message Appearance

Preview of Message Appearance

Embedded Message Usage Guide

After expanding the options by clicking “Add Embed” (Box 7), the following screen can be seen:

Embedded Message Usage Guide 1

Embedded Message Usage Guide 1

Author (Box 1)

Author: Enter the name of the author for the embedded message.

Author URL: Add a hyperlink to the author’s name.

Author Icon URL: Set the location of the author’s image file.

Body (Box 2)

Title: The title of the embedded message.

Description: The main content of the embedded message.

URL: The hyperlink associated with the title.

Color: The color of the left border of the embedded message.

Embedded Message Usage Guide 2

Embedded Message Usage Guide 2

Field (Box 3)

It includes a title(field name) and content(field value).

Image (Box 4)

Image URLs: The URLs of the images included in the embedded message.

Thumbnail URL: The image URL for the small image in the top right corner of the message.

Footer (Box 5)

Footer: The text for the footer.

Timestamp: Optionally include a custom timestamp.

Footer Icon URL: The URL for the small icon displayed on the left side of the footer text.

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