Use Netflix Bot to Discover Shows and Movies on Discord

by 邦卡
Use Netflix Bot to Discover Shows and Movies on Discord

In late October 2022, Netflix launched the Hey, Netflix Discord bot, which is a blessing for people who have no idea what movie or TV show to watch. In addition to watching Netflix’s popular rankings and recommendations, there is now another option, which is to ask the Netflix bot. Because it needs to operate in a Discord server, there are more opportunities to discuss and interact with community members. This article will tell you how to install Hey, Netflix bot and how to use it.

Finding Hey, Netflix Bot and Adding It to The Server

In late October 2022, Discord launched the “App Directory” feature, which allows you to directly search for Discord bots developed and approved by the Discord developer community.

Further reading: Discord App Directory feature introduction

Opening App Directory

Open the App Directory

Then, type the keyword “Netflix” in the “App Directory” to find the Hey, Netflix bot launched by Netflix.

Search Netflix in the App Directory

Search Netflix in the App Directory

Then select “Add to Server” and complete a series of permissions required for the operation of the bot to invite the bot to the server.

Further reading: How to invite Bots to join your Discord server?

Add this bot to the server

Add this bot to the server

Instructions for using Hey, Netflix bot

Using the Hey, Netflix bot is very simple, as it only has one command: “/heynetflix”.

After using the command, the bot will first ask if you want to watch alone or discuss with other Discord friends.

  • Choosing “Just me” means that only you can see the movie recommendations that the bot suggests.
  • Choosing “Me and my Discord friends” means that after the bot completes its recommendation, it will create a separate thread for the recommended movies or TV shows, making it easier for everyone to continue the discussion.

Who wants to watch?Who wants to watch?

The bot will then ask if you want to watch a movie, a series, or anything else.

Choosing a movie genre

Choosing a movie genre

The bot will then ask for your location, as the movies available on Netflix differ by region due to licensing restrictions, which directly affects the bot’s ability to recommend movies. Simply choose the first letter of your country location to see the list of available locations.

choose the first letter of your country location

choose the first letter of your country location

After that, Hey, Netflix bot will randomly recommend four different contents based on the previous selections. The recommended contents will only have a brief summary, without any spoilers. If there are no desired options, you can choose “Refine options” to let the bot randomly select other content to recommend.

randomly recommend by bot

randomly recommend by bot

After selecting one of the options, the bot will thoughtfully attach the URL of the corresponding movie, and clicking “View on Netflix” will redirect to the Netflix link of that movie.

The bot will attach the link to watch the movie

The bot will attach the link to watch the movie

If you choose the option “Me and my Discord friends” the bot will also assist in creating a dedicated thread for that movie in the same channel, allowing everyone to continue discussing more content in the thread.

The bot creates a thread automatically

The bot creates a thread automatically

If you choose the option “Just me” at the beginning, the recommended movie content by the bot will only be visible to you.

A movie recommendation message that can only be seen by yourself

A movie recommendation message that can only be seen by yourself

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